How To Rig A Slot Machine


Rig slot machine. Posted by 3 months ago. Rig slot machine. Can I spending 15M in a session after I rig slot machine in Casino? Any tips to care.

Since the first slots games exploded onto the online scene, they’ve continued to exponentially grow in popularity over the years. Every day, millions of gamblers all over the planet are playing on the go or from the convenience of their own homes. This gives everyone the freedom to be able to play whenever and wherever they want, no matter where they may be.

Currently, there are thousands of online casinos available for play. The question is asked often and by every form of gambler I encounter.

Can casinos control slot machines? Are slot machines rigged? This is one question you will hear over and over from a lot of casino players, whether it be from an online or land-based. This is a very important question that needs to be addressed.

I have undoubtedly and on more than one occasion gone through periods where I ended up losing more than winning. When something like this happens, it’s pretty normal to automatically assume that something isn’t right, or that the machine I was playing on has been fixed.

A few casino goers, after losing, will complain that the slot machines are rigged and that the payouts were not fair. However, those that understand how slot machines work, will most likely go about their day thinking to themselves and just shake it off.

Whatever the situation is, I feel like it’s crucial to discuss an important question about whether or not casinos are able to control slot machines, and then go over several of the things you should be aware of.

Can Slot Machines Be Rigged?

Absolutely they can be rigged. Several shady sites are out there to choose, and of course there are many more reputable ones out there that have been around for years. Most of these bogus sites can be up online one day and be gone the next day due to being the brainchild of a scam artist.

Regardless, online slots are meant to be enjoyable and the casino gaming industry is closely monitoring the web to ensure fair gameplay. No one should have to worry whether they are playing from a trustworthy site or not, that is why it’s imperative to check if the website or software you are using to play is safe.

Individuals need to decide what kind of player they are, pick the style of games they’re into, research the games, and most importantly have fun playing.

Are Slot Machines Rigged?

Ever since slot machines rolled out online, there have been discussions centered around whether the machines are fixed or not. Some of them you may be aware of, if not, you may hear about them here today. In any case, I think it’s something everyone should hear the truth about.

All of them?


Some of them?

How To Rig A Slot Machine


While not all slot machines are rigged, especially if you play at a reputable casino site. However, you should be aware that there are scam sites out there too. For example, some of these scam sites could be up for a day, and then be completely gone the next. To help prevent these sites from scamming people, the casino gaming industry is closely monitoring the web to make sure there’s fair gameplay out there for all to enjoy.

Slot Machine Programming

Aside from being familiar with a gaming site based on their name, another great way to find out if our site is legit, is to see how their slot machines are programmed. If the company is using a trustworthy software such as RNG (Random Number Generator) to spin the slots, then this is a great indication.

The RNGs are able to calculate the payouts at random so that there’s no one controlling and no human programming slot machines. For each game, there is a huge element of chance. The random element for the games does not distinguish between you and other players, therefore the random elements may grant better luck to some, while others may not have such good luck, at any given time.

By putting this trustworthy software in place, there’s absolutely no way for anyone to control any individual gambler’s payouts, therefore it is entirely random and based purely on chance. In using this software, the slots are designed to play in the same way regardless of who is playing or what their current status is.

With that in mind, I strongly recommend you be careful when playing at other online gaming sites. If you plan to play other games online, first make sure they are a reputable company using an RNG software.

Additionally, you should take into consideration that the games can sometimes have bugs which can cause the machines to malfunction causing an issue with your payout. This can happen to even the most popular gaming sites in the world. Remember computers are made by humans and humans are not perfect, but don’t worry, if you’re playing from a reputable site, you can usually just report your issue to support and they’ll get it sorted out for you quickly.

I’ll say it one more time for the players in the back, the best way to find out if you’re playing at a reputable site is to check out what’s programming their slot machines. For example, make sure they are using a software called a Random Number Generator (RNG). This sort of software is able to calculate every payout randomly to ensure no person is controlling the reels.

Land-Based Slots Have Better Payouts

Same as my previous explanation about reputable casinos online using RNGs, the same goes for land-based ones which use the same software. The goal of most online casinos is to make sure all of the players are having a similar experience as if they were playing at one of the world’s greatest brick and mortar casinos.

Again, with an RNG in place, there’s no way for machines to be able to detect and profile players in order to adjust the payout ratios. The chances of winning for any given player remains the same, which is completely random.

How to Choose a Safe Online Casino

Now that you’re aware of RNG and true randomness mentioned above, you should be able to find a safe casino online more easily, and with confidence. I should mention that it’s a good idea to do some research yourself and read reviews from other players, or any articles that you find available on these sites.

After you have found some safe sites you can trust and play, it’s then all about personal preference, and which site seems to be most appealing to you. At the end of the day, it’s all about having fun. As long as you know you’re playing at a safe site, you will be able to relax and have a great time gambling the hours away.

From the points covered above, this should definitely boost your confidence in finding a trustworthy site to play from and you should also make sure the site you’re playing from is fully licensed.

From licenses, to programming devices or just looking up reviews from other people’s experiences are all great ways to find a reputable site to enjoy. Another great way is to look for published articles from these sites as this lets you know the company has nothing to hide from and is an open book.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to do your research in finding which sites are safe to play from. Once you have found a handful of safe sites, from there you can simply choose the site that you would like to invest your time is based on your personal preference such as the style and themes of the slot machines, the amount of people who are playing at the site, game features, bonus types, etc. Once the research is done, you can now relax, enjoy, and play with confidence.



This is one of the most popular questions people ask before, during, or after playing slot machines online. And that is a very important question you need to be asking before playing.

Most of us have been in that situation where you feel like you invested precious time playing various online slot machines and ended up losing more than they won. Sure you may have won some, but overall you may have lost more than you won. And of course our immediate instinct tells us that something fishy is going on and that we’ve been cheated somehow.

So what happens next? A lot of people will complain that the slots are rigged and that the payouts were completely unfair, whereas some others may go about their day telling themselves, the old saying, “oh well, you win some, you lose some” like it’s no big deal.

By doing the research beforehand, you will eliminate the fear factor. I want to be clear that most online casinos are certainly on the up and up. However, I do suggest taking the extra steps to avoid being played while playing. There are a few bad apples, but they don’t have to spoil the bunch. Gamble on.

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The most popular slot machine cheats are nearing extinction, as casinos go to elaborate methods to thwart anyone brazen enough to walk through their doors and attempt to steal. While this article will detail the most well-known methods of getting something for nothing, I’ll also pay equal attention to the consequences of getting caught.

Cheating at Slot Machines

This is a list of the most popular ways to cheat at slots, although most—if not all—of these are no longer effective.

Programming the Machine – Of all the current ways to cheat slots, this is the only method that could reasonably prove effective. The cheater needs to gain access to the machine before it leaves the factory, and then program it to pay out when a specific series of buttons are pushed. Ronald Dale Harris, a former member of the Nevada Gaming Control Board was able to get away with this for two years without getting caught, but his greed finally caught up to him while rigging the outcome of keno. He spent two years in prison.

Coin on a String Cheat – Tie a string to the coin, insert it into the machine, and then pull it back out. This worked in the old days, giving cheaters an unlimited supply of credits. It’s no longer effective, however, and anyone trying it is going to get laughed at by the cops.

Top Bottom Joint Cheat – Created by Tommy Carmichael and Ray Ming, this famed cheating used a piece of spring steel and a guitar wire. The goal was to enter the payout chute with the device until the switch was tripped. The machine would then deposit all its coins, which allowed Carmichael to make $1,000 per hours while on a cheating binge at various casinos. Unfortunately for Carmichael, his luck eventually ran out.

Coat Hanger Cheat – This simple object was snaked inside the machine to interfere with the coin mechanism. It worked for a while, at least until the casinos got wise and countered it.

Shaved Coins Cheat – By shaving the edges of a coin, it would pass right through the slot and still register as a credit. This was effective in the early 1980s, but it was also countered long ago.

The Monkey Paw Cheat – A piece of metal bent into the shape of a claw, the Monkey Paw would be inserted into the machine until it reached the coin counter mechanism. From there, it was simple to make the machine overpay…at least until it was countered by new anti-cheating measures from the slot manufacturers.

The Light Wand Cheat – By shining a bright light into the machine, the player could trick the sensors into paying out large sums of coins. The casinos caught on, though, and techniques were developed to counter it. You should also consider that many modern slots don’t even have hoppers anymore (winnings are printed onto a ticket).

Fake Coins Cheat – By producing fake coins, a cheater can insert them into the machine and play for free. Unfortunately, the most likely outcome is that the cheater will get greedy and eventually wind up in jail. That’s what happened to Louis “The Coin” Colavecchio, a cleaver cheat who minted fake coins and stole over $500,000 from the casinos. He was eventually caught, however, and his tricks cost him seven years in prison.

What Defines Slot Machine Cheating?

The definition of cheating will vary across the globe, but here’s the legal definition of cheating in the state of Nevada:

Alter the elements of chance, method of selection, or criteria which determines: (a) the result of a game (b) the amount of frequency of payment in a game (c) the value of a wagering instrument (d) the value of a wagering credit.”

Even if a person unsuccessfully tried to cheat or just conspired to cheat, they can be detained and arrested under the same law. In Nevada, cheating is illegal at any establishment that offers legal gambling, so the same law that applies to casinos also covers supermarkets, airports, restaurants, and other locations.

How Casinos Catch Slot Machine Cheaters

If the employees of a gambling establishment have reasonable cause to believe that a person is cheating, they are within their legal right to detain them. According to Nevada law, this can only be done “in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable length of time.” If you’re suspected of cheating in Sin City, expect a lengthy chat with Las Vegas Metro’s Financial Crimes Unit, as crimes of this nature fall under their jurisdiction.

Cheating in countries other than the United States may lead to much more severe consequences. I’ve never cheated at a casino in Russia, but something tells me that their security guards might not be as concerned about a lawsuit as their American counterparts.

Back in Nevada, a lawyer will traditionally use one of the following defenses to help their client: (a) police misconduct (b) insufficient evidence (c) the accused didn’t cheat. While mistakes can be made, casinos aren’t in the habit of randomly accusing their patrons of cheating at slot or any other game. If they detain an individual and call the cops, it usually means that they have the security footage to back it up.

Penalty for Cheating at Slots

Are Casino Slots Rigged

The law differs from state to state and country to country, but cheating at gambling in Nevada is considered a category B felony. The first offense carries a possible fine of $10,000, and/or between one and six years in the Nevada State Prison. The guilty party will also be expected to pay restitution to the establishment. Probation or a suspension of sentence is a possibility during the first offense.

The same penalties apply during the second or subsequent convictions for cheating. However, this time probation or a suspension of sentence is not an option.

Can Casinos Manipulate Slot Machines

The most popular slot machine cheats are a losing proposition, no matter how skilled the cheater’s technique. Modern casinos are filled with trained individuals who watch for any sign of cheating, and cameras are placed strategically to monitor patrons from every conceivable angle. When you factor in the state-of-the-art slot machines and the potential punishment for getting caught, the conclusion should be clear: cheating just isn’t worth it.